Timetable-based assignment
A search method is called timetable-based if all services of PuT lines are taken into account with their precise departure and arrival times.
Timetable-based methods are suitable for assignments and the calculation of indicators, when a line network plan and a detailed timetable are available for the PuT supply analyzed. They take the coordination of the timetable into account and thus ensure very precise results of the indicator data calculation.
The timetable-based method calculates connections for each OD pair. In the Search it is assumed that the passengers have timetable information available and choose their access time according to the departure on the first PuT line. During the search, the user can influence the kind of connections found in different ways by means of search impedance. For the connection search, two variants (branch & bound search and shortest path search) are offered that represent the different compromises between the number of alternatives on the one hand and the memory and computing time requirements on the other.
During preselection of connections, the connections yielded by the search algorithm are re-analyzed by means of general criteria as to whether some of them are of a significantly lower quality and can thus be deleted.
During the choice, the demand is distributed to the remaining alternatives based on one of the models described above. The independence of connections can be taken into account if required.
Note: In the directory C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023/Examples, you can find an example of use on this topic. The PuT Capacity Restrained/Timetable-based example demonstrates the application and effect of capacity restrictions in timetable-based public transport assignment. |